Friday, February 27, 2009

Live your life as it is,please.

I seriously had no clue on should I call them human beings? I can't define these species anyways. Life is how you live them everyday and how your life turning upside down is your own decision and nobody can actually control it for you. let other people control and command you to live your life their way.Come on, it's all up to yourself whether you like it or not, you have your own power and individual right as a person and human being STILL living in this world.
Please, do not live in denial and accept your life as it is. I love mine and proudly living mine eventhough i'm not rich or filthy. As long as I get what I want with my own bare hands,I'm grateful for it. Maybe thats why some people think of me as a selfish person and that's why I don't have friends? Well, I do have my friends who is there when I need them and vice versa. (Know what I mean?) I love and take cares of my friends when they are in happy or worse. I don't and I don't want to stick with friends who only knows me when they only need me and when they are happy, pandai cakap jahat pasal aku plak? Ape ke hey??? Human beings are different and even you know me well, you haven't see the best of ME. Note it please, you'll never know what I can help you with in the future. Beat it, get the FUCK off my face and stop talking around about other people's weakness. It's better if you can see their weakness as their special value and part of the reason you be friends with them not what you talk around with your significant other you arse holes! Talking about arse holes, haha..there are actually two types of stupidity mentality among kuchingites. One is arse holes; whom doesn't know they are stupid but indeed they are.hahah..Another one is assholes; whom is naturally stupid but making and doing things more stupid and make them looking outrageously dumbass!!Well, which one are you in? Figure it out yourself, as it is for me to know and for you to find out, denial creature of earth.tsk tsk tsk...



1 comment:

  1. huhu tuka "kuchingites" into "meowest"..sound pweety nice ma. and yes. human are special and im proud to be this is a few thing human like us usually do.

    as human(man/guys)u can do some emotionally disturbing things as a male species:

    1. Cheat on ur wife/GF just to go to ur friends house n watch football while shes thinkin ur on duty.

    2. Look good even when ur broke like filthy a** holes.(no comment) -_-!!

    3. Make love to any Girls/Guys(ewww) even when ur already have one. In any case, lonely bastard always have final choice of ur right hand and ur trusty olive oil where u can do the "Thang" on ur couch or sofa while watching porn mags.

    4. Keep saying "i love u" even when u got ur self DUMP the next day. Sad but true but fun at the same time. lol


    Man are tough an Rock..HURAAAAA (show muscle)
    But when it comes with girls no power in the world of MANHOOD can be compared to the awsomeness, sexyness, foxyness, gorgeousness, tenderness, cuteness, i'need'to'go'shoppingness, and put'those'sox'away'ness of a wooomann.

    There u go guys, grab some roses and start reading poem coz u need it. Coz its "Mating Season" ha ha ha!!!!

    P/s; Never take advice from a baboon, u have no idea where those words "doggy style" came from. trust me. Big bad NO-NO

    (jgn amik ati, boring ba, lelah ngkah idea tok..huhu)


golden silence well said